
Activities and Support



Take 1 Breath at a Time: 5k Jog

Take 1 Breath at a Time: 5k Jog, is a fundraiser and community awareness jog to raise awareness to address the issues of poverty and hunger that exist in our city and local communities. Our goal is to galvanize efforts around the promotion to “end poverty and hunger” in our city. The event will consist of a 5k jog/run in which anyone is available to participate, but must register. All participants will receive t-shirts and lunch. At the event we will also sign up volunteers to help feed the homeless and to serve in our annual community service initiatives. We will also have a portion of the event be dedicated to local officials, community workers, and community residents who will be asked to speak about the effects of poverty and hunger in society and discuss ways in which we can combat these issues and provide solutions. There will also be music, entertainment and games and activities for children and youth during the event. Lastly, we will also raise funds at the event to donate to homeless shelters as well as have job resource information available for those looking for employment.



It’s a Blessing Food Pantry

It’s a Blessing Food Pantry is a way in which we are able to provide people with food when needed. The pantry will be open to guests once a month and they will have access to a variety of food items and products as well as gift cards to local supermarkets if needed. Food is available on a first come first serve basis. Gift cards will be purchased through our program and be given to individuals on a first come basis also. We will partner with local supermarkets for donations as well.



Thanksgiving Giveaway

To help those who are homeless, hungry and/or in need during the Thanksgiving Holiday we would like to host a “turkey and ham basket giveaway” during this Holiday season. Each basket will include either a turkey or ham based on the need of the individuals and they will also receive other canned foods, fruits and vegetables. It is our goal to give out at least 150-200 baskets at this event annually. During the event we will also give away free donated clothing to those in need.



Get back to School, Get Ready for Work

It is our desire to assist people who want to go back to school to get their high school diploma. Whether they are dropouts, been incarcerated, and/or through various circumstances never formally finished school, we want to help them get back on track with their education. Through this program participants who finish the program and obtain their GED will be connected with job resources as well as college resources to advance their education. We will be looking to partner with Faith Connection Christian Academy who we are currently affiliated with now, as well as colleges and universities who have a GED and College Connection programs, to send our participants through.  
The second component of this program will specifically help individuals with job training, (i.e. resume writing and updating, interview skills and professional dress, as well as other career and workforce development). Through this component we look to make sure we prepare individuals to help both connect and increase their chances of obtaining employment.



Computer Training Classes

We recognize that computer literacy training for children, adults and seniors are very much needed in our communities, to help them simply function in the 21st century and to give them skills that will make them more employable. Therefore we would like to provide computer literacy classes for all those in need and especially seniors. There are so many seniors who are computer illiterate and we want to bridge the gap in this area by helping teach them how to use modern day technology. In these workshop classes, participants will learn basic computer skills and functions. Classes will include instruction on, typing, using Microsoft Office, researching, developing professional presentations and more. Surveys will be handed out prior to the workshop to gage each participant’s knowledge of computers. Post-surveys will be handed out at the end of each set of workshops to gage how much each participant has learned. Classes will be provided weekly 1 months in the Fall, Spring, and Summer. They will be provided after school for children from 4pm Monday-Wednesday, for seniors 9am-11am Monday- Thursday, and for other adults and anyone interested 12pm-2pm on Saturdays. We will utilize donated space to host sessions.



A Celebration of Christmas for Families

In December around the Christmas Holiday we look to sponsor families to provide them with gifts, dinner and makeovers for the parents. It is our goal to make sure families who are impoverished and cannot afford to provide for their children during the holiday and/or have a lack food, clothing and supplies; will have enough to have a joyous holiday season and more resources for the winter. Through this endeavor we will specifically provide pantries, sanitary items, food, clothing items and a total clothing, hair and face makeover for parents (makeup for women). We recognize that when people look good they feel better and when they are blessed with items they were not expecting they feel even better!

It's a Blessing to Be a Blessing

(215) 326-9625

1500 Walnut St Ste 1102, Philadelphia, PA 19102