Be a
Beacon of hope and love
for the downtrodden and forgotten among us

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Food Insecurity
In the Philadelphia region, hundreds of thousands of individuals suffer from food insecurity. While the economy has improved, rates of food insecurity remain well above pre-recession levels

According to federal and state data, poverty and food insecurity, are actually getting worse in Philadelphia, and research shows as a result that the region’s children are heavily affected

How We Help
Recognizing that these issues need to be addressed within our community, we have established these programs to provide solutions and to help aid in the fight against hunger and poverty in our city.

Thanksgiving Giveaway
To help those who are homeless, hungry and/or in need during the Thanksgiving Holiday we would like to host a “turkey and ham basket giveaway” during this Holiday season. Each basket will include either a turkey or ham based on the need of the individuals and they will also receive other canned foods, fruits and vegetables. It is our goal to give out at least 150-200 baskets at this event annually. During the event we will also give away free donated clothing to those in need.

It's a Blessing to Be a Blessing

(215) 326-9625

1500 Walnut St Ste 1102, Philadelphia, PA 19102